While “IT” gets all the credit for making clowns scary (or maybe John Wayne Gacy does)… the original “scary clown” movie was 1988’s cult classic KILLER KLOWNS FROM OUTER SPACE. If you haven’t seen it, go see it. Spoiler alert: It’s about killer clowns from outer space.

The song itself is by The Dickies, who were a punk band formed in the late 70s. They achieved some moderate success with a string of punk-ified covers, such as the “Banana Splits” song, Black Sabbath’s “Paranoid”, and Moody Blues’ “Nights in White Satin”. As their career had fits and starts, they somehow wound up doing the soundtrack to Killer Klowns. The song didn’t light up the music world as one would hope, but it’s still great for several reasons:
- The “circus song” riff. Ironically, that song is called “Entry of the Gladiators”, even though it’s the jauntiest tune released in 1899.
- Opening lyrics quoting PT Barnum. I think this is the only pop/rock/punk song that makes several references to PT Barnum. I’m not even sure anything from The Greatest Showman does. But I’m not gonna listen to that. Priorities, people!
- The classic diss “They’re all diabolical bozos”. Is this aimed at the klowns… OR US?
The Dickies still show up now and then to perform this song and their other well-worn covers.