Hopefully 1000 years from now, some future civilization will rediscover Ghostbusters and think it really happened. And their hearts will still begin pounding fast and their fists will pump the air when the “Savin’ the Day” scene comes on.
The boys in beige have just been freed from jail. The town is being overrun by spooks, specters, and spirits. The mayor needs someone to figure out what’s going on and, well, save the day. Ecto-1 gets a police and military escort straight to Spook Central. All while the thumping bass and synth of the Alessi Brothers echoes through the seven boroughs.
Side note: My favorite part of this whole scene is the red-haired dude who is way too excited to see the Ghostbusters. Dude looks like he just saw Joey Ramone walk by. There’s also a guy standing by the rabbis who looks exactly like Jerry Sienfeld.

Great, whatever – but who or what is Alessi!?
Billy and Bobby Alessi are identical twins from New York. They scored a minor hit in the late 70s called “Oh Lori”. Never heard it.
Eh, not my cup of tea, but scary in its own way. They released a string of middling albums until 1982 then kinda disappeared. They seemed to have reformed in the 2000s and have a website that is gloriously outdated. I’m sure they’re still livin’ large off all that Ghostbusters money. For real – even if they get one cent for every time that movie is on, that’s gotta be $20 a day, forever.
I couldn’t find any information on how they appeared on the Ghostbusters soundtrack, but Savin’ the Day was clearly written for the movie. The song is vaguely about “changes” and “danger” and “ghosts”, but the mention of Stay-Puft clearly marks it as a Ghostbusters thing.
It’s hard to separate the song from the movie scene. It doesn’t hold up that great on its own (a bit repetitive), but who cares. It’s iconic. Go watch Ghostbusters. Now. Or the creepy redhaired guy is gonna get ya!