Drac’s Back – Billy Demarco

Aahhhh! He’s back!!! I’m not sure where Drac went, but in 1960, he was definitely back. The original “Dracula” film was released in 1931 (yes, I know there were other vampire movies before this). This was followed by a bunch of sequels leading into the late 40s. Once Universal shifted away from horror in the late 50s, the cowl was taken up by Hammer Horror, who released a ton of Dracula movies starting in 1958 and lasting through the mid-70s.

So, was Billy DeMarco letting people know that there was a new Dracula movie out? Probably not. Most likely he was just making another silly monster song. but who the heck is Billy DeMarco?

I don’t know. There’s zero info on the internet about him, and discogs only lists this particular 45 as his whole recorded output. So… who knows. What about the song?

It’s great and silly! It continues the stereotype of Dracula being this quasi-Italian-Russian fella. He awakens and realizes he has to make a rock n’ roll record! The Count throws a big party, with the mummies, werewolves, and even his wife(?) Vampira there. Of course, the party can’t last too long, because when the sun rises, party is OVER. We also find that Dracula’s friend The Monster is appearing on the Jackie Gleason show, which I assume the kids all loved back in the day.

I like the girl group coda at the end of the song, as well as Drac being offered a human heart and actually eating it. Yum yum.