No Costume, No Candy – The Swingin’ Neckbreakers

Rob Zombie’s “Halloween Hootenanny” collection is a throwback to the “Monster LPs” of the early 60s, full of songs about classic monsters and lots of surf music. Highly recommended for any Halloween shindig. One of the non-surf songs comes from The Swingin’ Neckbreakers, and lays out the Golden Rule of Halloween: No Costume, No Candy.

When I had aged out of trick-or-treating, and started handing out the candy, it used to irk me to no end the amount of “Too Cool” teens that just came in clothes and a pillow case. They would also have to make some snide remark about my costume or decorations. “Nice Casper, man”. It’s like – you’re gonna expect me just to give you candy without any effort put in? Unless they were dressed as “Too Cool Teens”, in which case they nailed it.

The guitar/bass-line are magnificent, with a great old-school garage-rock feel to it. It definitely swings, and could possible break a neck. The lyrics are spot on – kids come to his house without costumes and he’s apoplectic. There’s so many options on Halloween! Even the simplest thing can be a costume – heck even silly glasses are enough! Or a fake mustache! Or two heads or something.

Who are the Swingin’ Neckbreakers? They’re from New Jersey. Looks like they just put one studio album and one live album out in the mid-90s then kinda dissappeared, except for some random tracks here and there, as far as I can tell. I don’t know how Rob Zombie got a hold of them to record this song, but I assume when Rob Zombie asks for a Halloween song, you’d be stupid to say “Nahhhh”.

This song should serve as a warning to all non-costumed folks – No Costume, No Candy. Also, if you’re a surly teen, get off my lawn!