1970s American horror was obsessed with Satan and demonic possession. The late 60s “Rosemary’s Baby” helped kick things off, then you had the Exorcist (which became the first horror movie nominated for Best Picture), then the Omen, and then a great TV movie called The Amityville Horror. The only twist on this one was that it was based on a true story. Sorta.

The Amityville Horror was released in 1979 and became one of the highest-grossing independent films ever (after Halloween in 1978!). The movie is (very) loosely based on the 1974 Robert Defeo murders at the titular house. He shot and killed six members of his family. He was imprisoned for life and just died in March 2021. After that, the Lutz family purchased the house and claimed all sorts of paranormal goings-on, which became the basis for the film. The movie’s pretty good… it’s very very 70s, but if you go all-in, it’s pretty great.
Over the years, the accuracy of the Lutz’s account has been debated. All further occupants of the house have said nothing strange ever happened there. Except for an 80s-era rapper named Lovebug Starski, who had one helluva time in Amityville. His song is about as accurate as the films about the house.

Lovebug Starski was one of the earliest rap artists out of The Bronx in the 70s. His largest contribution to the genre was co-coining the term “Hip-hop”. After recording several singles in the early 80s, he finally released his first album in 1986, which featured “Amityville (House on the Hill)”.
Now, I’m not sure Mr. Starski had ever seen the Amityville Horror movie, because he’d know right away that a.) The house was not on a hill, and b.) the house wasn’t full of monsters.
Lovebug gets invited to a party at the house. When he gets there, the grass is overgrown and the place is basically a dump. He rings the doorbell and a guy with the world’s worst Bela Lugosi accent tells him he’d like to squash him between his fingers like a real bug! The guy lifts up Lovebug by his collar and drags him into the house.
At first, he wants to run away in terror, but he can’t because the beat is too good. The band playing is called The Monster Mash, with a hunchback as a lead singer. He sees the invisible man dancing on the dancefloor, and a sexy lady who turns out to be the bride of Frankenstein!

So far, so scary. Then the tale takes a complete left turn when Captain Kirk and Spock from Star Trek show up! Kirk transported them back in time to the 20th century, and directly to the same party Lovebug was at! This song is so confusing.

“I have bad news, Captain.”
Count Dracula comes up to Starski, presumably to kill him or something – but NO! A twist! Lovebug was invited to perform here because he’s the greatest rapper alive! Lovebug gets on the mic and the crowd goes hog-wild (or, in a great phrase that I can’t believe hasn’t caught on, he gets a “handclap shower”).
So it all worked out for Lovebug. He had a great party night, was heralded as the greatest rapper around, and he got meet Captain Kirk. All over a classic hip-hop beat, with a great electronic voice singing “AMITYVILLE HOUSE ON THE HILL”. Because, hey, why wouldn’t a robot be doing that?
Lovebug must’ve taken all this adulation a bit too seriously, because he quickly became addicted to cocaine and was imprisoned in 1987. He was released in 1991, but never released another album or single. He died in 2018 while moving some DJ gear after a performance. No word on whether he haunts Amityville or not.