Rob Zombie certainly embodies the spirit of Halloween, albeit an extremely specific spirit. He clearly loves that late 70s “video nasties” horror, mixed with a heaping spoonful of classic Universal Horror. While his musical output always paid homage to The Munsters, White Zombie, and b-movie splatterfests, it all came to a head with his first film, House of 1000 Corpses
I LOVE this movie. I could put it on any time of day at any time of year and it still makes me happy. It feels like one of those films from the early 80s that you couldn’t rent, but your friend had an older brother, and he was watching it with his friends, and you and your friend peeked around the corner to watch it. Just the right amount of silly, scares, and boobs.

The movie never lets up, it’s just nonstop rush from first frame to the last. Sure the story barely makes sense at points, but who cares? We’re in it for the cheap thrills, laughs, and blood blood blood. I like how at the end it takes a complete sci-fi turn with no explanation, and then never bothers to follow up. It ain’t perfect, but Rob swung for the fences and hit a triple. I’ll take it.
Of course, if Rob Zombie directed it, you know he’s gonna make some music to go with it! And that’s where we get the title track, “House of 1000 Corpses”
The song starts with a terrifying western twang and beat. It sounds like a skeleton hoe-down or something. Rob tells us a story of a lady who is having some, er, fun with a dead body.
Rob tells us that this is the house built on sin – the house “where nobody lives”. I always loved that double meaning – it’s a spooky house that nobody lives in… but also where nobody comes out alive. Or maybe I’m thinking too hard. Cool stuff.
Rob then tells us how he likes to skin people.
Fresh skin
Is what I need
I let it dry
Out in the wood
All your crying
Did no good, yeah
We get some breakdowns with Sherri Moon Zombie doing that evil witch cackle laugh, some jangly piano, and we’re dead.
I highly recommend the whole soundtrack, which features a ton of cool songs and dialogue, and for some inexplicable reason, a cover of Brick House with Lionel Richie???