Rob Zombie scores his film debut’s soundtrack with a tune about a house where nobody lives…

Rob Zombie scores his film debut’s soundtrack with a tune about a house where nobody lives…
New York Dolls contemporaries write contemporary hit for new doll.
Hawkins recorded a handful of ballads to little success. One night, while recording a new ballad called “I Put a Spell on You”, he decided he and the band should be as drunk as possible.
Yep, the “More Cowbell” song.
The Queen showed strength and courage that many hope to attain… except for one small thing. The London werewolf epidemic of the mid-1970s.
It’s not often we get a brand new Halloween song from a mainstream band, but British rock band Muse delivers the goods this year with “You Make Me Feel Like It’s Halloween”, and it’s awesome. This is an 80s metal-head's dream come true. Members of Kiss, Van Halen, Def Leppard, Motley Crue, Alice Cooper, Whitesnake, and friggin' Guy Mann-Dude all come together to sing a Desmond...
It’s every teenage girl’s fear – your boyfriend might actually be a vampire. Bill Buchanan was keenly aware of this fear and wrote a great Halloween PSA, “Beware”, to draw more attention to this all-too-common occurrence.
Most people think the “Halloween” music genre began and died in the 1950s. And they’re… mostly correct. But every now and then, through the decades, a slew of delicious treats come our way. Yep, Tom Petty has a Halloween song. While most think his holiday output ends with "Christmas All Over Again", they're dead wrong. Or undead wrong, amirite? Tucked at the end of arguably Petty's greatest album, Full Moon...